Title Pantograph condition monitoring system for automated maintenance inspections and prevention of overhead wiring tear downs
Author Doyle, S
Vale, T
Bastucescu, C
Affiliation Engineering & Maintenance Directorate, Sydney Trains, NSW, Australia
Australian Rail Technology Projects, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Publication Date 2016
Conference CORE 2016, Maintaining the Momentum, Conference on Railway Excellence, Melbourne, Victoria, 16-18 May 2016
Abstract Pantograph maintenance has been a long standing issue for overhead electric train networks. Damaged pantographs can cause overhead wiring tear-downs resulting in lengthy network delays, costly infrastructure and rolling stock repairs and presenting serious safety concerns. As such, timely and costly manual inspections are employed to ensure the satisfactory condition of pantograph heads. Despite this, damaged and worn pantographs still cause high-profile dewirement incidents for major rail operators worldwide. Automatic condition monitoring of pantograph heads is a technical challenge which until recently has not been resolved to a satisfactory level. This paper details the development of a Pantograph Condition Monitoring System (PCMS) that accurately and reliably monitors the state of carbon strips and pantograph heads on electrified trains whilst they are in motion at mainline speeds. This paper presents an in depth look at the PCMS and the image processing technology behind the system. It also details the engineering challenges faced and the results that have been achieved during the Sydney Trains project to deliver the technology. It specifies how the system is being used in the Sydney network to prevent potential overhead wiring tear-downs and reduce maintenance requirements. The PCMS is a new and innovative technology that is one of few systems worldwide with its capabilities and is being effectively used to improve efficiency and reliability.
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Physical Description 10p. ; PDF
Subjects Train
Electric vehicle
Maintenance method
Location Server
ARRB library
Category Rail Knowledge Bank Index Rolling stock Maintenance