Title Weeds control - management
Author McLennan, AB
Conference Permanent Way Institution (PWI) NSW 1986 Annual Convention: More than just a Pretty Track
Publication Date 1986-10-24
Location Server
ARRB library
Abstract Good track does not just happen, it takes planning and the input from many people and organisations. One only has to look at the audience today to appreciate the diversity of commercial enterprise and Authority personnel, who all play a part in building and maintaining the permanent way. Vegetation management plays a role, of little use by itself, but when combined in a total maintenance programme helps to produce the desired track standard and not "just the pretty picture". My topic today is Vegetation Management and the Environment, specifically track weed control. Management of the Right-of-Way, requires particular control methods to minimise weeds and reduce the fire hazards.
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Paper 3 Weed Control - Management
Subjects Vegetation
Railway track