Title Which speed rail? The case for faster rail
Author Steverson, G
Conference AusRAIL 2018, Rail for a Better Future, 27-28 November 2018, Canberra, ACT
Publication Date 2018
Location Server
ARRB library
Abstract Greater Sydney is planned to grow from 4.68 million to a population of 8.26 million people by the year 2056. Regional NSW will also experience growth to reach a population of 3.83 million. The mobility challenges that are associated with such levels of population growth prompt discussion about the role that higher speed rail products can play in supporting these growth targets and in supporting connections between Greater Sydney and Regional NSW (including Satellite and Regional Cities). This paper explores the merits of higher speed rail products including Faster Rail, High Speed Rail and Hyperloop in the context of travel times, strategic land use planning outcomes, affordability (in terms of fares), constructability, economic development benefits and delivery timeframes. This paper demonstrates investment in Faster Rail solutions, which benefit from existing urban rail network improvement programs and rolling stock investment, together with corridor protection programs will allow emerging technologies like Hyperloop to continue to evolve to meet the 30-minute city aspiration for regional city connections without sinking significant investment into high speed rail solutions which could be superseded in the next 20 years.
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Subjects High speed
Travel time
Urban transport
Transport network