Basic Search Syntax

This table provides examples of how to search. For more information, see Advanced Searching.


Find Records containing...


The word vacations (and variants such as vacation, vacationing, etc.)

"new york times"

The phrase "new york times"


Words that begin with auto (auto, automobile, automatic, etc.)


Depending on where it is used: all records in the database, all records in the content type, or all records where the field is populated.

vacation AND Paris

Both words, in any order, including variations such as vacations and Parisian. (Note that AND must be all upper case)

vacation Paris

(same as above)

London OR Paris

Either word. (OR must be all upper case.)

vacation NOT cruise

The word vacation and not the word cruise. (NOT must be all upper case.)

(NOT obsolete)

Values that do not include the word obsolete. (The parentheses are required when using a Quick Search box on the menu bar or Home page.)


All records where the field is empty. (Can only be used in a query box that searches specific field(s) on a Search Screen (not all fields).)


(same as above)

[vacation NEAR city]

Same as an AND search, but the closer the words are to each other, the more relevant the record is considered. (NEAR must be all upper case.)


The exact word vacation (will not find vacations, vacationing, etc.)

"auto loan"*

The exact phrase “auto loan” or phrases such as “automobile loans” or “automatic loaner” (truncation applies to each word in the phrase)


Synonyms for auto (auto, car, truck, automobile, etc.)

~auto loan

Synonyms for auto and for loan, in any order

~"auto loan"

The phrase or phrases consisting of synonyms for auto and loan (auto loan, car loans, truck rentals, etc.)


The word study and its stems (studies, studying, studious, etc.), when stemming is configured to be off (default). If stemming is on, you can simply search for study.

^"high quality steak"

The phrase "high quality steak" as well as the phrase "highest quality steaks" (stems of each word)

The following term (exact match) searches can only be used in a query box that searches specific field(s) on a Search screen (not all fields). The equals sign and quotes are required.

="Mark Twain"

All records where a value in the field exactly matches Mark Twain.

="Mark Twain" OR ="Samuel Clemens"

All records where the field contains the value Mark Twain or Samuel Clemens.

="Mark Twain"*

All records where the field contains a value that begins with Mark Twain.

The following searches can only be done in the Quick Search box or the Keywords Anywhere box on a Search screen:

All active records for the Sample CD content type (use an underbar for content type names that contain spaces)

book.title=([a TO d])

Books with titles starting with a, b, c, or d.

book.title="old blue dog"

Books with the exact title "Old Blue Dog". Titles with leading articles (A, An, The) will also be found.


All records tagged "urgent".


All records that are not tagged. (You can also use (NOT tags=*), but the parentheses are required in a Quick Search box on the menu bar or Home page.)


All records that are tagged.

comments:"new york"

All records where a comment includes the phrase "New York"[20101204000000 TO 20110531000000]

News Articles from December 4, 2010 to May 31, 2011