Title The challenges of expanding Perth's rail system
Author Martinovich, P
Affiliation Public Transport Authority of WA
Publication Date 2007
Conference AusRAIL PLUS 2007, Celebrating the Past, Creating the Future, 4-6 December 2007, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Abstract Behind the rail expansion programme now rapidly coming to fruition in Perth is a history worth telling. This paper describes the challenges faced from a position in the mid 1980's when it was considered that the rail system should be closed down and replaced by a bus network, through an uncertain period of seemingly individual decisions at the time, but which all contributed, almost inexorably, to now when urban passenger rail is an indispensable component of the city's present and future transport network. There were many challenges through planning, design, construction and implementation. As big as the task has been, the decision with the greatest long term consequence, was the final route alteration of the Perth to Mandurah railway late in 2002 to give the most direct access to the CBD from the southern suburbs. A number of aspects covered can be the basis of papers in their own right. Tunnel boring a railway through Central Perth in soft ground, with two underground stations has been a magnificent achievement and is best told in detail by those most intimately involved. Covered here is the process which enabled that work. This paper reflects the experience and the viewpoint of one, who over the last seventeen years was responsible for the early planning, the production of the three master plans on which the New MetroRail (NMR) Project is based and who has held the position of Deputy Project Director since inception of the NMR Project in 2001. A recurring need, from planning to implementation, has been for people with a strong background, understanding of railway engineering and operations, how all that integrates with land use, and with the ability to define, develop, articulate and sell the requirements.
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Peter Martinovich final
Physical Description 16p. ; PDF
Subjects Transport planning
Strategic planning
Location ARRB library
Category Rail Knowledge Bank Index Management Policy and strategy